NICKEL DISCUSSIONS – Operator sought for Sechol project

TORONTO - JAGUAR NICKEL is in discussions with an operating company to determine how best to treat the ores from it...
TORONTO - JAGUAR NICKEL is in discussions with an operating company to determine how best to treat the ores from its Sechol nickel property in Guatemala. Last month the company deferred further development of its proprietary atmospheric chloride acid leaching process as a method of recovering nickel. It now seeks an appropriate existing process. The confidential nature of the current discussions precludes the naming of the interested operating company, says Jaguar.

In order to assess whether another process will economically treat its deposits, Jaguar is shipping a representative sample to the operating company and expects to have the test results in July 2005. Based on the outcome of this initial test, Jaguar should be able to determine if the process warrants further research using a larger sample of approximately 30 tonnes. Assuming these results are successful, Jaguar would then progress to a feasibility study and ultimately a technical assistance and licensing agreement with the operating company in order to use its expertise to build a ferronickel production facility.

The company's 2003 annual report, including beautiful photos of the Sechol project, is posted at


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