TSIILAQ, Greenland With luck an economic deposit of nickel may be unearthed on the south coast of Ammassalik Isla...



TSIILAQ, Greenland With luck an economic deposit of nickel may be unearthed on the south coast of Ammassalik Island. DIAMOND FIELDS INTERNATIONAL has begun fieldwork on its newly-acquired discovery off the southeast coast of Greenland. The find comes at an opportune time as Breakwater Resources' Nanisivik lead-zinc mine closed at the end of 2002. Certainly, the local community would welcome a new source of well-paying jobs.

Mineralization at the discovery outcrop extends for 90 m along strike and varies in width from 1 to 8 m. Chip sampling by discoverer Anders Lie, who now leads the exploration team, yielded an average of 1% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.012 g/t Pt, 0.239 g/t Pd, 0.155 g/t Au, 553 g/t Co, and 2.4 g/t Ag.

More information about the Greenland project is available from Earl Young at 214-219-1439. Diamond Fields is also dredging for diamonds off the coast of Namibia. In Madagascar, the company reports it has recovered two gem-quality diamonds weighing 23.82 and 8.39 ct.


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