PDAC NEWS 2004 Meeting Largest Ever

ONTARIO The recent annual meeting of the PROSPECTORS & DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA in Toronto was its larges...


ONTARIO The recent annual meeting of the PROSPECTORS & DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA in Toronto was its largest ever with over 9,000 delegates and exhibitors. They represented more than 850 companies from over 82 countries. Congratulations to an organization that serves the world's explorationists so well.<br>
With its success well established, the PDAC is considering the addition of a "Business Matching" service for the 2005 convention. This is a program that would allow both exhibitors and delegates to request one-on-one scheduled meetings with each other in advance of the event. The matching process is automated and based on specific profile information of both parties. The profiles would be created at the time of registering. The Business Matching service will help people prepare for valuable meetings at the desired times before they arrive on site.<br>
To help make this program a valuable reality, the PDAC needs feedback. A survey is online at www.eventsbypinnacle.com/pdac/survey.asp. Please take a minute to express interest in the Business Matching option, and add suggestions to help organizers customize this service to your needs. If another person in your company is better-suited or more appropriate to provide this information, please draw his/her attention to this opportunity. <br>
The most recent Prospectors news and activities is posted at www.pdac.ca.<br>


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