PLACER GOLD TEST — Klondike Star evaluates large placer project

YUKON -- KLONDIKE STAR MINERAL CORP. of Seattle, Washington, is test mining its 100%-owned placer gold property on ...
YUKON -- KLONDIKE STAR MINERAL CORP. of Seattle, Washington, is test mining its 100%-owned placer gold property on the Indian River 40 km from Dawson City. This is the first summer exploration and bulk sampling program the company has conducted on the property. It hopes eventually to develop a large-scale placer mine.

Three sites with high potential have been selected for this summer's bulk sampling and testing. Both sluicing and dry separation technology will be tested to determine the best recovery method.

Klondike Star's leases includes deposits of White Channel gravel that has yielded gold for over 100 years. Rather than run off to the Yukon to examine a modern placer gold exploration project, readers are invited to view the numerous photo galleries at


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