NORTHWESTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver-based BCMETALS CORP. has asked AMEC E&C SERVICES to begin work on a bankable feasibility study for a 50,000-tonnes/day operation at the Red Chris porphyry copper/gold project. This study will be carried out to complement the ongoing 25,000-tonnes/day study already underway.
The BC Ministry of Energy and Mines has issued permits for a 20-hole diamond drilling program at Red Chris. bcMetals says the program will consist of 13 holes, each 400-metres long, in the Main zone and three similar holes in the adjacent East zone. The company is also analyzing information from 16,500 metres of drilling completed last fall. Additional holes will be drilled for pit slope and tailings dam design in conjunction with the feasibility studies. BC Hydro has reported that it can supply 60 MW of electric power to the site.
A detailed (145 pages) prospectus of the Red Chris project is available in .pdf format at