QUEBEC GOVERNMENT NEWS Ministry of Natural Resources has New Web Address

QUEBEC, Quebec The Government of Quebec has relaunched its natural resources ministry with both a new web site an...


QUEBEC, Quebec The Government of Quebec has relaunched its natural resources ministry with both a new web site and a new name, RESSOURCES NATURELLES, FAUNE ET PARCS. The web address is Information is available in French, English and Spanish.

The web site is a one-stop destination that will answer almost any question about mining in the province. There are maps and plans, forms, permits, publications, programs, laws, and regulations. Of particular interest are the sections on mineral potential, mining rights, fiscal support, the hot plays in Quebec, and much more. Even more important are the links to provincial databases of geoscientific information and to GESTIM, the database of mining titles in the province.

Quebec has a great deal to offer the mineral industry. Make the new web site your first stop on a journey the ministry hopes will lead to success.


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