SAFETY MILESTONE No Lost Time in 5 Million Hours

ALBERTA - SYNCRUDE CANADA has reached the safety milestone mark of 5 million hours with no recordable lost time inj...



ALBERTA - SYNCRUDE CANADA has reached the safety milestone mark of 5 million hours with no recordable lost time injuries at the UE-1 upgrader project near Fort McMurray.

The construction workforce, including members of the Northern Alberta Building Trades Council Unions, engineers and office personnel, began this streak in February 2004, proving that working safely can be accomplished even during northern Alberta's harsh winter climate.

"Our ultimate goal is to have an injury-free workplace for our Syncrude employees, contractors and construction workforce," said CEO Charles Ruigrok. "This is a fantastic accomplishment and one we hope we can build on, site-wide."

Syncrude is undergoing a $7.8-billion expansion of its upgrader and Aurora mine that will see production increase to 350,000 barrels a day of a higher grade, lower sulphur crude oil known as Syncrude Sweet Premium. UE-1 is currently one of the largest construction projects in the world, equal in size to Syncrude's original upgrader, which began operations in July 1978.

Follow progress on the upgrader expansion at


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