SOFTWARE: Gemcom adds new modules to Surpac 6.4

VANCOUVER – The latest version of the Surpac geology and mine planning software has been released by the developer, Gemcom. Surpac 6.4 provides features designed to save time and increase efficiency, including new quick planes...

VANCOUVER – The latest version of the Surpac geology and mine planning software has been released by the developer, Gemcom. Surpac 6.4 provides features designed to save time and increase efficiency, including new quick planes functionality, the ability to handle large datasets with a 64-bit version, and stereoscopic 3-D visualisation. This version of Surpac also offers two new modules, Dynamic Shells and Mesh Tools, which significantly enhance Surpac’s modelling capabilities.

Surpac 6.4 Benefits:

  • Surpac 6.4 takes advantage of the additional RAM available on the Windows 64-bit operating system, enabling users to work with block models with larger block counts or a larger number of attributes, as well as Digital Terrain Model (DTM) surfaces and solids with a high triangle count.
  • The Dynamic Shells module provides implicit modelling to interactively create grade shells from drill holes and sample information. Fully integrated with Surpac, it saves time when initially evaluating deposits and can assist in generating surfaces and solids in moments as opposed to hours.
  • Surpac’s new Mesh Tools module simplifies complex models with high triangle counts. Linear analysis determines the minimum distance between two datasets, highlighting the most economically advantageous route, while deviation analysis compares two surfaces by plotting the relative distances between them in a colour coded map displaying main areas of deviation.
  • New quick plane functionality allows users to easily create, store, and use plane definitions in the vertical, horizontal, or oblique alignments, and speeds up navigation by accessing sections and levels in a non-sequential way.
  • New stereoscopic 3-D visualisation enhances the illusion of depth perception in a 3-D model with a 3-D capable monitor or TV and glasses, providing better visualisations for presentations and decision making.

To learn more about Surpac 6.4, and to view overview videos, please visit

Note: Following the takeover of Gemcom by Dassault Systèmes last year, plans are underway to change the Gemcom name to Geovia. Watch for it soon.


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