NOVA SCOTIA - Halifax-based COEMERGENCE INC. has sold its ACIS software to NEWMONT MINING for integration into New...
NOVA SCOTIA - Halifax-based COEMERGENCE INC. has sold its ACIS software to NEWMONT MINING for integration into Newmont's exploration system. Designed for professionals who find, analyze or act on new business opportunities, ACIS provides early warning signals and a robust corporate memory around what people hear, learn and know. ACIS weaves competitively rich internal knowledge and information with other relevant sources to provide unprecedented clarity into opportunities and threats.

"Our goal with Newmont is to help them get more value from the knowledge base that already exists at the individual, departmental and organizational business levels," says Coemergence CEO, Michael Chender. "By allowing people to share intelligence and knowledge quickly, ACIS removes the local filters that inhibit global information from reaching people who need it to make timely, accurate decisions."

Chender adds that there is a lot of uncaptured, human-based intelligence that exists within large companies in the forms of industry chatter, insights, speculation and opinions. Capturing and leveraging this critical intelligence can create a tipping point to realizing a new level of competitive advantage. ACIS is designed to seamlessly capture the previously uncaptured reservoir of critical intelligence and blend it with published information, providing users with a more complete picture of their business landscape.

To request an ACIS demonstration, brochure or to learn more about its applications, visit


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