SURVEY: Opinion on mining differs by region

GENEVA, Switzerland – The World Economic Forum and the Boston Consulting Group have released a new survey of 300 mining stakeholders as part of their Responsible Mining Development Initiative (RMDI). The study was conducted between...


GENEVA, Switzerland – The World Economic Forum and the Boston Consulting Group have released a new survey of 300 mining stakeholders as part of their Responsible Mining Development Initiative (RMDI). The study was conducted between October 2012 and January 2013 in 37 countries.

The authors said the study was undertaken because the number of resource-related disagreements flared up last year in almost all mining regions. Some of the key findings follow:

  • Different regions have different priorities. In Africa "transparency of arrangements between the government and the private sector: was one of the Top 3 priorities, but only 29% of Latin American respondents rated it that highly.
  • Social and cultural considerations ranked in the Top 3 for all respondents, but differed by country and even position of the stakeholder. Sixty-four per cent of respondents from Peru rated these considerations No.2, as did 37% of commodity producers.
  • African governments are less confident than other stakeholders about current value creation but are significantly more positive about the future. African commodity producers perceive more value as being created currently, but don’t see future growth as being as high, especially in procurement and supply chain.

A PDF version of the report may be downloaded by clicking here.


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