OTTAWA - OREZONE RESOURCES is pleased to announce that it has commenced a US$100,000 program to drill wells that will provide a source of clean, safe drinking water for five villages in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The contribution being made by Orezone is part of the MINING FOR WATER CHALLENGE which Orezone initiated last year.
Ron Little, president & CEO of Orezone noted, "Aid to Africa has recently received a great deal of publicity as the result of 'Live 8' and debt forgiveness programs. Our objective is not only to publicize what the exploration and mining industry is already doing, but to strongly reiterate our challenge to the mining community to stand up and make a difference by making a donation or initiating new water projects." He added that "The five villages are located near our Bondigui (Bondi) project and we intend to initiate more safe drinking water programs near our other properties in Burkina Faso as well as Mali and Niger."
Earlier this year Mining for Water also recognized the contributions of BARRICK GOLD and GLENCAIRN. Barrick spent US$2.8million in Tanzania to increase the capacity of its water pipeline to supply local communities and also drilled a number of wells to service nearby villages. Glencairn spent US$265,000 on community water supply projects near its mines in Costa Rica and Nicaragua including pipelines, water tanks and a water treatment facility.
Twenty per cent of Earth's population does not have clean drinking water, and contaminated water kills 30,000 people every day. Meet the challenge by visiting