TRUCKS: Hitachi, Wenco complete successful autonomous haulage tests

RICHMOND, B.C. – Wenco International Mining Systems announces the successful completion of trials of Hitachi Construction Machinery’s autonomous mine haul trucking program […]
The Hitachi EH-5000 truck performed successfully in autonomous haulage trails using Wenco software.
RICHMOND, B.C. – Wenco International Mining Systems announces the successful completion of trials of Hitachi Construction Machinery’s autonomous mine haul trucking program developed in conjunction with Wencomine dynamic dispatch fleet management software. [caption id="attachment_1003721258" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Hitachi EH-5000 truck performed successfully in autonomous haulage trails using Wenco software.[/caption] Hitachi purchased Wenco in 2009, and has been working closely with Wenco to leverage the Dynamic Dispatch fleet dispatch automation software to enable dispatch of autonomous haul trucks. Last month, Australia Mining Monthly announced the successful test of three self-driving Hitachi EH-5000 haul trucks at Stanwell Corp.’s Meandu coal mine in Queensland, Australia. “We’re very excited to reach this milestone,” says Louis Chan, Wenco’s manager of research and development on the project. “Wenco has worked closely with Hitachi since 2014. Completion of this test phase proves capability of managing fully autonomous vehicles from fleet management and fleet automation software. We’re now eager to move ahead to the next phase – trials in active mine operations.” Stanwell’s 2015-16 annual report noted that autonomous haul trucks have moved upwards of 300,000 bcm of earth in mine rehabilitation work. The corporation is now in discussions with Hitachi around extending the trial through 2019. For more information around Wenco’s autonomous haulage program, fleet dispatch, or other projects, please contact Geoff Gauthier at or at 604-270-8277.


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