WHEEL LOADER NEWS World’s First Simulator Hits the Training Market

AUSTRALIA IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES of Perth has released what it says is the world's first wheel loader simulator f...


AUSTRALIA IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES of Perth has released what it says is the world's first wheel loader simulator for training operators. The first production units have been purchased by De Beers and BHP Billiton.

The realism provided by the new simulator is a powerful training tool. It has functioning controls and displays. A 180 full-colour display provides left and right peripheral vision with a low viewing angle that provides the user with a view of the loader bucket edges. Three-axis motion provides authentic movement and feedback. Emergency situations and various environmental conditions can be simulated in cases where they would be impossible or too dangerous to replicate in real life.

So far, Immersive Technologies offers its wheel loader simulator for Caterpillar 992G and 994D models. It is available as a conversion kit for the company's AESII equipment simulator. Visit www.ImmersiveTechnologies.com to learn more about the line of earth-moving simulators for haul trucks, excavators, shovels, dozers and now wheel loaders.


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