WILDLIFE ATTACK – Miner 1, Wolf 0

KEY LAKE, SASKATCHEWAN - An employee at CAMECO's Key Lake uranium operation put an attacking timber wolf in a headl...
KEY LAKE, SASKATCHEWAN - An employee at CAMECO's Key Lake uranium operation put an attacking timber wolf in a headlock on New Year's Eve. Fred Desjarlais, 55, was jogging back to the camp at the end of his shift when the animal attacked. He was able to fight off several lunges and then he grabbed the wolf by the head and wrestled it into submission until a busload of co-workers stopped and scared it off.

Canadian Press reported that Desjarlais recalled the wolf had a "big mouth and a big head. I don't know what came over me. All I know is I had his head and I wasn't letting go until someone came to help me."

Desjarlais was airlifted to a hospital in Saskatoon where he received stitches and precautionary rabies shots. His several layers of clothing may have prevented worse injuries.

According to CBC News Online, unprovoked attacks on humans by the 70,000 healthy wolves living in Canada and Alaska are rare. The wolf that attacked Desjarlais has been killed and tested for rabies.


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