
Paved to Gold

Situated at the end of Hwy 652 North, a paved road in the Sunday Lake Area, about 180 km northeast of Cochrane, is the site of the Detour Lake Project, a massive gold undertaking by Detour Gold that has already…

ATAC Resources Ltd

A new, cottage-like setting for its camp and excellent diamond drill results combined to make life at ATAC Resources' site in the Keno Hill Mining District very enjoyable in 2010.

Biggest & Best Yet?

An old saw in the mining trade goes that "tomorrow's mine might be right next door to yesterday's." If that holds, a Barrenlands gold deposit with historic roots and keen owners could become the next and largest mining operation in…

Capstone Mining Corp

hen you talk about Yukon mining, one of the first names that comes to mind is "Minto," because not only is it the only producing hard-rock mine in the Territory, but it's also one of the more productive copper-mining operations…

Kaminak Gold Corp

ontrary to what some may think, Kaminak Gold's Coffee Gold Project and the names of its 11 gold discovery zones (Espresso, Americano, Supremo, Macchiato, Cappuccino, Mocha, Java, Arabica, Double Doublel, Latte, and Kona) were not dreamt up at a...

Western Copper Corp

estern Copper's mountain-side airstrip is the first taste of spectacular things to come for visitors to the company's Casino property. After landing on an upward slope looking skywards, visitors are soon distracted by the peripheral view of the...

Golden Predator Corp

Golden Predator has a mandate to be the leading gold property explorer and developer in Yukon and "why not?" says Company Chairman and CEO William M. Sheriff, as he keeps up his relentless search for more Yukon gold.

PERSPECTIVE: Did leak sink Taseko shares?

Did someone in Ottawa leak news of an Environment Canada decision more than two weeks before it was made public? That is what regulators would like to know, and they have begun investigating.