EXPLORATION: New, more versatile ATV from Fabconcept

QUEBEC - L’Équipe Fabconcept of Chicoutimi has begun mass production of its new, amphibious all-terrain vehicle the Kaskoo-X04.

QUEBEC - L’Équipe Fabconcept of Chicoutimi has begun mass production of its new, amphibious all-terrain vehicle the Kaskoo-X04.

The versatile vehicle was completely designed in Saguenay, QC, Its execution included more than 10 years of development, trials, prototypes and adjustments. The prototype as well as the production model have been tested over a variety of difficult, if not impracticable, conditions and environments, in collaboration with IOS Service Géoscientifique Inc., one of the largest mineral exploration geological firms in Québec and owner of the first production model.

The president-general manager of IOS Service Géoscientifique, Réjean Girard, stated that the Kaskoo-X04 can replace, in certain situations, the costly use of helicopters for a multitude of tasks related to their mineral exploration activities.

Girard said that this invention will be extremely practical during winter, when the access roads are closed. “There are also the vast marshy regions in northern Abitibi and Baie-James, as well as forest roads where erosion over time has made them often inaccessible to standard vehicles. This incredible all-terrain vehicle has proven its capabilities, it’s undeniable,” he summarized.

The Kaskoo-X04's proven technology makes it the best all-terrain vehicle on the market today, according to the manufacturer. It is speedy, reaching up to 40 km/h. It has a working radius of about 20 km surrounding its base camp as well as superior suspension, a comfortable passenger compartment, is easy to drive, and floats effortlessly.

“A floating vehicle that is lighter and faster at the same time, and that can also explore swamps, I don’t know of another in the world that exists,” Marius Allaire, president of L’Équipe Fabconcept.

Anyone working in a remote location – mineral exploration, mining, oil and gas, foresty, hydroelectric workers, rescue workers and fire fighters – will want a Kaskoo-X04 … maybe more than one.

See the Kaskoo-X04 in action on You Tube or at www.Kaskoox04.com/en/home.


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