ONTARIO – Temex Resources has filed a resource estimate for its Upper Hallnor gold deposit on the Whitney property in the Timmins Area. Using an 030. g/t Au cut-off grade, the company figures there are 776,100 oz in the measured and indicated category, plus 231,900 in the inferred category.
Expressed differently the numbers are 2.96 million measured tonnes at 2.44 g/t Au, 8.66 million indicated tonnes at 1.95 g/t Au, and 4.02 million inferred tonnes at 1.79 g/t Au.
The former Hallnor mine yielded 1.7 million oz of gold from ore grading 13.71 g/t Au. The current project is a joint ventures of Temex (60% and operator) and Goldcorp (40%) of Vancouver.
More information is posted at TemexCorp.com or email info@temexcorp.com.