GOLD: The jobs and wealth created by a mine in Ontario

TORONTO – The Ontario Mining Association has crunched the numbers and created a stunning infographic that underlines the new jobs and wealth created by opening just one new gold mine in the northern part of the province.





TORONTO – The Ontario Mining Association has crunched the numbers and created a stunning infographic that underlines the new jobs and wealth created by opening just one new gold mine in the northern part of the province.

Visually, the information is easy to take in. As far as the numbers go, consider this: government revenues would grow by $95 million to $100 million every year the mine is in production, including roughly $12 million that would go to local communities. And that just scratches the surface.

This is impressive information, beautifully presented. Please click here to enjoy it.

Several other infographics are available at the OMA website. Visit the multi-media library at


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