IRON ORE TREATMENT: Baffinland lump ore passes blast furnace tests

TORONTO — Baffinland Iron Mines appears pleased with the results from its Mary River lump iron ore trial...

TORONTOBaffinland Iron Mines appears pleased with the results from its Mary River lump iron ore trial cargo shipped to ThyssenKrupp Steel. The German steelmaker consumed the lump ore in one of the world's largest blast furnaces at a rate of 16% Mary River ore and 84% sinter.


Michael Zurowski, executive VP of Baffinland, said, "Baffinland's Mary River lump iron ore has now passed the ultimate test, the rigours of the commercial blast furnace. Baffinland is very pleased with the outstanding test results of the trial cargos. Mary River lump iron ore is an exceptional lump iron ore and should be an attractive alternative for pellets as a cheaper burden feed with no loss of productivity."


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