QUEBEC – Partners Matamec Explorations of Montreal and Toyotsu Rare Earth Canada have successfully completed both the mineral process and hydrometallurgical pilot plant campaigns for the Kipawa heavy rare earth elements project in the Temiscamingue region. The deposit is known to contain dysprosium, terbium and yttrium.
The pilot plant campaign on 15 tonnes of material was conducted by SGS Minerals Services (Lakefield). The mineral processing flowsheet included crushing, grinding, two stages of web magnetic separation. An upgraded concentrate containing between 77% and 84% of the HREE in only 41% of the mass was produced. The hydrometallurgical pilot plant operated continuously for two five-day periods and achieved HREE recovery of over 90% in a bulk rare earth product. That product is to be evaluated by TRECan.
Further details from the Kipawa project are posted at