NEW BRUNSWICK – Although a bulk sample from the Halfmile Zn-Pb-Cu project was successfully toll milled at Xstrata’s Brunswick mill, Trevali Mining Corp. of Vancouver has decided to proceed with a stand-alone mill for the mine that lies in the Bathurst mining camp.
Trevali announced in June 2012 that it would purchase the Caribou mill, and has been working with the provincial authorities to permit the re-start of the Caribou mill in 2013. A new environmental liability agreement is being drafting, but it will not go into effect unless the NB Cabinet approves it.
The company is focusing on underground development and pre-commercial production. The Halfmile ramp will be driven to the thick, high grade zones of the deposit where indicated grades are 8.68% Zn, 2.81% Pb and 37.94 g/t Ag.
The Halfmile property has been explored since the 1960s but was never developed. More information is available at