VANCOUVER — Natural resource development in Canada can come with a unique set of challenges due to a variety of isolated, cold weather climates. The federal government is hoping it can make life easier for miners and other parties involved in northern economic development via an Arctic program launched through the National Research Council (NRC). On Aug. 21 Prime Minister Stephen Harper launched the initiative during his ninth annual northern tour as part of an address at the Yukon Cold Climate Innovation Centre.
The NRC Arctic program is aimed at supporting research in resource development, northern transportation and shipping, marine safety technologies, and community infrastructure. Research will develop and commercialize cold climate technology, with the program costing $17 million over eight years. The government will be seeking an additional $65 million in co-investments from industry partners.
“Our government recognizes the full potential of the North," Harper said in a prepared statement. "We will continue to support northern development by ensuring sustainable, low impact, responsible resource development in the Arctic, while creating jobs and improving the quality of life for residents of Northern communities. [We're] committed to harnessing science, technology and research to further develop Canada’s North."
The NRC is seeking partners across the mining, transportation, and energy sectors …
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