Surebet zone could reach 6 km deep at Goliath Resources’ Golddigger project

Goliath Resources (TSXV: GOT; OTC: GOTRF) has released positive findings from a study of mineralized specimens from the Surebet zone, part of its […]
The 2021 drill campaign at the Golddigger property in B.C. testing the Surebet zone. Credit: Goliath Resources





Goliath Resources (TSXV: GOT; OTC: GOTRF) has released positive findings from a study of mineralized specimens from the Surebet zone, part of its Golddigger property in the Golden Triangle of B.C. The petrographic and fluid inclusion study was conducted by researchers from the Colorado School of Mines on a newly discovered system formed at significant depth, possibly over 5 to 6 km, below paleosurface.

Goliath says the recognition of Surebet’s deep-rooted, intrusion-related formation points to "significant exploration upside" at the Golddigger project. Since the causative intrusion is presumed to be well down-dip to the west of Surebet, it is considered likely that mineralization persists well beyond the current limits of drilling, approximately 1.1 km down-dip from the outcropping Surebet zone. It is also logical that faulted offsets, such as the New Extension target to the immediate southeast of the Surebet zone, have yet to be discovered elsewhere on the property.

“This first ever study of the formational environment of the Surebet zone provides strong support for significant upside potential at Surebet and elsewhere across the Golddigger property,” commented Quinton Hennigh, technical and geologic director of Crescat Capital, a Denver-based asset management firm.

Crescat recently became a strategic shareholder and took up a 19.99% stake in the company after participating in the recent $14.6 million financing, proceeds from which will be used to fund Goliath's 2022 drill campaign at Golddigger.

This year, Goliath plans to drill as much as 24 km of diamond core at Surebet, with some holes as far as 1.5 km down-dip from where Surebet outcrops.

The company will also conduct initial drilling at the New Extension zone to test whether this is indeed a major extension of Surebet, as well as to pursue prospecting for new zones of intrusion-related mineralization across the property.

More information is available at


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