ENVIRONMENT: Bonanza Ledge mining okayed

BRITISH COLUMBIA – Barkerville Gold Mines of Vancouver has received all necessary approvals to begin preparations for mining and milling at the Bonanza Ledge mine near Wells and QR mill near Quesnel. On June 12, 2012, the amended permit...






BRITISH COLUMBIA – Barkerville Gold Mines of Vancouver has received all necessary approvals to begin preparations for mining and milling at the Bonanza Ledge mine near Wells and QR mill near Quesnel. On June 12, 2012, the amended permit was issued under the provisions of the Environmental Management Act allowing for the dewatering of the Main zone pit to accommodate tailings from processing ores from two new mines.

Ores from Bonanza Ledge near Wells Dome Mountain near Smithers will be tolled through the QR mill. The mill was originally built by Kinross Gold and operated from 1994 to 1997. Barkerville reopened the QR mine and mill in March 2010.

The Bonanza Ledge open pit site has been logged and grubbed and arrangements made to use a logging road, said Barkerville. The power line to the QR mine is being upgraded, and that work is to be done by the end of this month (June 2012). Measured and indicated resources at Bonanza Ledge total 415,000 tonnes grading 7.63 g/t Au, and the inferred resource is 277,880 tonnes grading 7.78 g/t Au. A four-year mine life is planned.

Please see BarkervilleGold.com for more information and images.


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