YUKON - Goldstrike Resources of Vancouver reports that it has traced bonanza grade gold mineralization on its Plateau South property over a distance of 13 km in a zone that remains open to the northwest. Gold in numerous new rock grab samples ranging from detection limit up to 280 g/t (8.18 opt) is believed to be associated with mapped regional scale folding and deformation.
Goldstrike says that the newly discovered VG zone has a large structure of lesser grade below the bonanza grades that were samples. High grade mineralization has been found over an area of 2,000 by 140 metres, and the zone is open in all directions.
Elsewhere along the Yellow Giant trend, grab samples along the Goldbank zone assays as high as 34.25 g/t Au or 1 opt. These zones and intervening mineralization are associated with a regional deformation system is a zone of converging fold closures and intersecting linears trending south east and containing gold mineralization that has been traced for at least 13 km and remains open, providing for multiple strong drill targets. Ten kilometers west of the Goldbank zone, the Goldstack zone is located at the most westerly extent of the Yellow Giant trend and also remains open.
See the map of the Yellow Giant trend at GoldstrikeResources.com.