BRITISH COLUMBIA – Vancouver’s Barkerville Gold Mines has made the final payment for the purchase of the Goldstream mill, tailings pond and related mineral leases though the acquisition of Bethlehem Resources. The last payment consisted of $550,000 and 543,000 common shares at a deemed value of $0.92/share issued to International Bethlehem Mining Corp.
Barkerville intends to relocate, refurbish and upgrade the mill to a site at the Gold Quartz mine, near Wells. The target is 3,000-t/d throughput to treat ore from two open pits. The former Gold Quartz mine and several others are included in the company’s Cariboo (Cow Mountain) gold project.
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The Goldstream mine is currently located near Revelstoke. It was built by Noranda in the late 1970s to produce copper, zinc and silver.