MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS: Argentex, Colossus Minerals, Foundation Resources, Goldrea, Northern Shield, and SGS Minerals Services

Argentex Mining Corp. of Vancouver has hired Michael J. Brown to fill the offices of president and CEO, effective Aug. 1, 2012. He is a graduate of the University of Melbourne and a professional geologist. Brown is a former VP of energy at...

Argentex Mining Corp. of Vancouver has hired Michael J. Brown to fill the offices of president and CEO, effective Aug. 1, 2012. He is a graduate of the University of Melbourne and a professional geologist. Brown is a former VP of energy at Kinross Gold.

Toronto-based Colossus Minerals has named Lyle Pritchard, the company’s general manager of the Serra Pelada gold-platinum-palladium project in Brazil, its new VP operations. As part of a management realignment, Colossus also announced the departure of COO Paulo de Tarso Serpa Fagundes.

Ian Lambert has become CEO and a director of Vancouver’s Foundation Resources. Former CEO Paul Chung will replace John Hiner as chairman. Lambert was CEO and a director of Trade Winds Ventures that was sold to Detour Gold Corp last year.

Goldrea Resources of Vancouver has accepted the resignation of Larry Reaugh as CEO and president of the company, although he remains on the board. He has been succeeded by James Elbert, a 10-year veteran of the company, as president and CEO.

Scott Jobin-Bevans has joined the advisory board of Ottawa-based Northern Shield Resources. Jobin-Bevans is a past president of the PDAC and a founder and director of Caracle Creek International Consulting.

SGS Mineral Services of Toronto recently named Lillian Kuehn its new metallurgy manager. She is a mineral processing engineer with 25 years of diversified experience who joined SGS in 1991. Kuehn’s responsibilities will include the geometallurgy and advanced systems service lines in Canada and abroad. She also holds the position of business services manager for the minerals services division in Canada. She is based in Toronto.


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