ENVIRONMENT: Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project – Public Comments Invited

OTTAWA – The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project, located 95 […]
OTTAWA - The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project, located 95 kilometres northeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines. Comments received will be taken into consideration in finalizing the EIS Guidelines before issuing them to the proponent, Atlantic Mining NS Corp, a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlantic Gold Corporation. This is the second of four opportunities for the public to comment on the environmental assessment of the project. All comments received will be considered public. Written comments in either official language must be submitted by August 20, 2018 to: Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 200-1801 Hollis Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3N4 Telephone: 902-426-0564 Email: CEAA.FifteenMile.ACEE@ceaa-acee.gc.ca


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