YUKON – Western Copper and Gold Corp. of Vancouver has signed a settlement agreement and consultation plan for the Casino gold-copper mine with the Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation (LSC). The parties have agreed to review, evaluate and discuss the project to reduce or eliminate any potential negative impacts and promote positive impacts.
As part of the agreement, Western Copper has requested, and the Yukon Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Board has agreed, that review of the Casino project be placed on hold for up to six months. When consultation is completed, LSC has agreed to withdraw its demand for a judicial review of the Board's decision that Western Copper had consulted sufficiently with LSC.
Planning for the Casino project incorporates both a conventional flotation mill and heap leach operation that will recover gold, copper and molybdenum. The proposed open pit will have a life of 22 years. Western Copper hopes to begin production from the heap leach in 2017 and from the mill in 2019.
More information is posted at WesternCopperAndGold.com.