GOLD: Rubicon completes Phoenix test mining

ONTARIO – Toronto-based Rubicon Minerals Corp. has completed test mining and bulk sample processing at the Phoenix gold project in the Red […]
Complex geology nearly left the Phoenix gold project in ashes. Today it looks as if it may rise again. (Image: Rubicon Minerals)






[caption id="attachment_1003725142" align="aligncenter" width="461"] Complex geology nearly left the Phoenix gold project in ashes. Today it looks as if it may rise again. (Image: Rubicon Minerals)[/caption] ONTARIO – Toronto-based Rubicon Minerals Corp. has completed test mining and bulk sample processing at the Phoenix gold project in the Red Lake district. More than 35,000 tonnes of material was extracted from three test stopes and pre-developed stopes in the F2 gold deposit. Rubicon has collected preliminary data for each test stope, and will use it in the block model reconciliation exercise. A full mill cleanout is underway will provide more information for the block model reconciliation. Golder Associates will produce a final reconciliation report by the end of the year. Rubicon  has been selling the gold recovered it to defray the costs of mining and processing. The geology of the Phoenix project is challenging, to say the least. Having no feasibility study and only the preliminary economic assessment to go by, Rubicon began development. The first gold was poured in June 2015. In October that year the CEO departed, and in November Rubicon halted all underground work. As the reconciliation study is awaited, 24,000 metres of infill and step-out drilling continues from the 685-metre level. Two additional drill stations are being established on the 610-metre level. Drilling will test the mineralization at depth to upgrade and increase resources. See for the latest corporate presentation.


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