Learn anywhere, anytime with cutting-edge simulators Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions leads the charge in revolutionizing operator training through the use of […]

Learn anywhere, anytime with cutting-edge simulators

Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions leads the charge in revolutionizing operator training through the use of cutting-edge simulator technology.

This revolutionary tool, available for training purposes at Sandvik facilities and customer sites throughout Canada, aims to enhance the skills of operators and maintenance teams across a range of iSeries surface and underground equipment. With its advanced controls including automation capabilities, Sandvik’s operator training tools promise to revolutionize.

The simulators offer a comprehensive and realistic learning experience. Trainees familiarize themselves with equipment functions and operations before they
encounter the actual machinery. In addition to enhancing operator skills, a Sandvik’s surface or underground simulator also contributes to improved environmental, health, and safety (EHS) practices.

By minimizing the risk of accidents and equipment damage, the simulator promotes a safer working environment for all personnel involved in mining operations. And an operator with better training will reap productivity gains as well.

“The introduction of the DS412i bolter and DL432i longhole drill training simulators at Sandvik’s facility in Sudbury, Ont., as well as the Seabee mine site has been a game-changer for our mining operations,” says Greg Scammell, mine manager for SSR Mining. “With the ability to practice in a safe environment alongside dedicated operator trainers before encountering new equipment, our operators have gained confidence and proficiency, leading to improved productivity and safety outcomes.

“Sandvik’s commitment to innovation has truly revolutionized our training practices and elevated our operational performance, even before the newly purchased underground equipment was commissioned to site,” Scammell added.

By providing hands-on training in a controlled setting, Sandvik simulators significantly reduce the drill start-up period and improve overall equipment utilization. Trainees can practice various scenarios and learn to manage different operating conditions, optimizing productivity and minimizing downtime.

“Sandvik’s simulator training and tooling presentations have proven to be worth their weight in gold. Whether it was an operator’s introduction to Sandvik equipment, or just a refresher, Sandvik’s simulator training was an exceptional experience for our operators,” says Spencer Andriashek, project manager for Otokiak Corp. at B2Gold’s Goose project.

“The simulator provided a safe environment for a hands-on learning experience, enabling our indigenous employees to focus on developing and advancing their skills, knowledge, and proficiencies on the equipment, while remaining free from the pressures and complexities associated with active job sites.

“Having an opportunity to learn the boundaries and limitations of Sandvik’s ground breaking technology proved extremely valuable to both our operators and our client(s). Mistakes that would normally be costly and risky can now be viewed from a learning perspective,” Andriashek added.

“I believe that the simulator is a game-changer in training operators. Our purpose-developed software offers a tailored approach with specific exercises to record and measure operator behavior accurately,” says Sebastien Roy, Sandvik’s national service manager for Canada.

“With the ability to simulate machine faults, incidents, and hazards, we ensure operators are provided advanced training by certified personnel to respond effectively to any scenario with utmost efficiency. Furthermore, our training programs support multiple participants simultaneously, fostering collaborative learning within a safe environment.”

Furthermore, the simulator’s compatibility with Sandvik’s advanced software tools, such as iSURE – a tunnel management tool – or AutoMine – which covers all aspects of automation, from remote and autonomous operation of a single piece of equipment, to multimachine control and full-fleet automation – further enhances its effectiveness in preparing operators for real-world challenges.

One of the standout features of the training simulator is its portability. Weighing less than 50 kg and equipped with wheeled carrying cases, simulators can be easily transported to any location, enabling training sessions to be conducted anywhere, anytime.

Sandvik simulators offer three levels of training: beginner, professional and drill master. Even the maintenance crew can benefit from beginner training. Drill masters, with the superior operating skills, are qualified to mentor others. A choice of languages is available.

Sandvik’s commitment to innovation continues to drive progress in the mining sector, setting new standards for excellence in operator training and equipment performance.

Take the opportunity to try out the DL432i Digital Driller and the Leopard DI650i SimDriller on display at CIM Connect in Vancouver, British Columbia – Booth #1207


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