The importance of infrastructure

Canadian miners have found success in some of the most remote corners of the globe. From the peaks of the Ande...



Canadian miners have found success in some of the most remote corners of the globe. From the peaks of the Andes Mountains to the dark, frozen Arctic they apply their expertise. Canadian know-how turned the Polaris zinc-lead deposit into the world's most northerly metal mine. Some of the most beautiful diamonds are recovered from the icy region around Lac de Gras. No stone (or snowball) goes unturned in our hunt for riches under the ice.

Not only have Canadians had great success finding a wealth of mineable deposits, they have also devised the means of getting equipment into remote places to develop these deposits and get the products out to market. Considerable ingenuity and patience have been needed as each project is built.

Much has been accomplished in the Far North, mainly paid for and executed by individual mining companies. Now is the time for governments to step in and support infrastructure development to attract even more resource investment. To With that in mind, the First Annual Northern Economic and Sovereignty Infrastructure Conference is being held July 5-7, 2010, at the Frobisher Inn, Iqaluit, NU. It is sponsored by the Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Northern Strategy Group.

The keynote speaker will be Leona Aglukkaq, regional minister responsible for the territories. She will address the role of the federal government in northern development. (In a changing world, such as a potentially ice-free Northwest Passage, the role of the Canadian government is likely to grow.)

Other speakers will address topics including the financing of major infrastructure, clean energy solutions for the North, marine infrastructure for Arctic resupply, communications, transportation and military infrastructure. There is much to be discussed.

Improvements to Arctic infrastructure will not happen overnight, but the mineral industry must applaud efforts such as this. Making the wealth of the North more accessible will only strengthen Canada's economy.

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