HUMAN RESOURCES: MiHR to help new Canadians enter mining industry

OTTAWA – The Mining Industry Human Resources Council has launched its Mining Professional Immigrant Network (M-PIN). This is a free network that […]
Besides immigrants, MiHR has programs for women and aboriginal peoples in mining. (Image: Mining Industry Human Resources Council)
OTTAWA – The Mining Industry Human Resources Council has launched its Mining Professional Immigrant Network (M-PIN). This is a free network that will help Ontario mine employers connect in person and online with internationally trained professionals in search of employment in the province. [caption id="attachment_1003724963" align="alignleft" width="228"] Besides immigrants, MiHR has programs for women and aboriginal peoples in mining. (Image: Mining Industry Human Resources Council)[/caption] M-PIN operates with the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council and Professions North/Nord to adapt, test and evaluate innovative engagement methods so that immigrant talent can integrate. It will also offer customized  training for human resource personnel to better recognize and address potential barriers to employment. The M-PIN network includes face-to-face meet-ups and an online community hosted as a subgroup of MiHR’s ENSEMBLE: The Mining Diversity Network, which brings together industry professionals, associations, Indigenous groups and immigrant employment counselors to find ways to promote diversity and inclusion in mining. Once registered to ENSEMBLE, individuals can request access to M-PIN by emailing


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