HUMAN RESOURCES: New action plan for hiring aboriginal tradespeople

OTTAWA – As skilled trades employers seek new sources of talent, indigenous youth with an interest in trades careers are a good […]
OTTAWA – As skilled trades employers seek new sources of talent, indigenous youth with an interest in trades careers are a good potential match. Employers looking for strategies for hiring and retaining Aboriginal tradespeople will benefit from a new resource recently published by the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA). Canadian Apprenticeship ForumHiring and Retaining Aboriginal Apprentices: An Action Plan for Employers draws ideas from skilled trades employers that value the contribution aboriginal apprentices make to their workforce, with positive results for both the company and aboriginal community. Best practices address cultural and business realities, with tips about communication, education and how to develop a local talent pool. Tips and strategies in the action plan are designed to be adapted and customized for any workplace. The action plan is available for download at It was developed, in part, with funding assistance from the government of Canada's Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity program.


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