The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) has secured over $500,000 in project funding through the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCR) to bridge the awareness gap between the Canadian minerals and metals sector and immigrant talent.
The two-year project, entitled Mining Alternative Careers for Immigrants (MACI), will help immigrants living in Canada as well as Immigrant Serving Agencies by increasing their awareness of and access to accurate information about the Canadian mining sector, its careers, and the potential transferability of international skills and knowledge leading to employment in the sector, therefore reducing the industry’s need for temporary foreign workers.
The MACI project has three primary activities:
The project will also include the development of a Project Advisory Committee, including mining industry representatives and Immigrant Serving Agencies, in order to identify information gaps and to improve awareness of and access to employment and accurate job-seeker mining labour market information for immigrants currently living in Canada. We are currently seeking committee members, so if you are interested in participating, please contact